Counselling & Psychotherapy for Women Suffering with Trauma, Emotional Eating & Not Feeling Good Enough.

Psychosynthesis Bloggers in Action

psychosynthesis blogs

Psychosynthesis Bloggers in Action

Psychosynthesis is known worldwide as the psychology with a soul. Roberto Assagioli, psychoanalyst, neurologist and the founder of psychosynthesis was way ahead of his time by incorporating mindfulness and spirituality into western psychiatry and psychology. He was a major influence in the fields of humanistic and transpersonal psychology. Piero Ferrucci, psychosynthesis psychotherapist, philosopher, student and collaborator of Assagioli writes,

‘…the principles that Roberto Assagioli and his pupils have enunciated in the last hundred years now find a precise correspondence in the data and models of neuroscience.’

Today, psychosynthesis theory and practice is continuing to evolve and grow as rigorously trained practitioners worldwide integrate new philosophies, ideas and evidence based practice – such as neuroscience – into their theory and practice.

Some of those practitioners are sharing their philosophies, ideas and wisdom through blogging. You can check them out here…

Living a Life of Purpose (Featured on Psychology Today) by Didi Firman

Living a Life of Purpose is written by psychosynthesis psychotherapist, professor of psychology and author, Didi Firman. Her blog is about asking the biggest question, WHY? And the most pressing question, HOW? Some topics include Creation, Spring and Living the bigger picture.

The Psychosynthesis Trust Blog

The Trust’s Blog is a place for sharing insight and pointing to interesting things. A place for ideas, creativity and exploring psychospiritual development. Posts are from members of the training team and other guest bloggers. The articles, essays, podcasts and films are a resource for those interested in psychosynthesis, psychospiritual development, and the world of counselling and psychotherapy.

An Energy Worker’s Diary by Kenneth Sørensen

Kenneth is the author of several books including The Seven Types, Integral Meditation and The Soul of Psychosynthesis. His website is rich with psychosynthesis articles on meditation, energy work, and the seven types.

The Sea Within You by Mark Douglas

Mark works and lives on a 22 acre property nestled in the woods (19 acres of trails) where his astrology/psychosynthesis workshop log cabin rests. He is a graduate of the Synthesis Center San Francisco’s International Board Certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach program. Mark blogs about astrology and psychosynthesis. A recent post includes the classic psychosynthesis disidentification exercise.

Emotional Medicine Rx. by Penelope Young Andrade

Emotional Medicine Rx. is the blog of Penelope Young Andrade. She is a licensed psychotherapist and founder of the San Diego Center for Psychosynthesis. Penelope also writes an acclaimed monthly advice column called Transformational Talk and is the founder Transformational Talk Radio. Some topics on her blog include, You’re lucky to feel sad, mad, scared, Men and depression and Are you having enough fun in your free time?

Molly’s Musings by Molly Young Brown

Molly’s Musings is the blog of Molly Young Brown. Following her initial training in psychosynthesis, she had the privilege of studying with the founder, Dr. Roberto Assagioli, in 1973 (the year before he died). His teaching deepened her understanding of the principles and practice while he encouraged her to share psychosynthesis with others. Molly has done so through training programs in North America and Europe, individual guiding sessions, writing, and serving on the Advisory Board and the Professional Development Committee for the Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis. Although not updated frequently, some topics include, Greed, fear and love and The secret behind the secret.

Love and Will: A Psychosynthesis Approach to Living

Love and Will is the blog of Catherine Ann Lombard, M.A. She is a psychosynthesis psychologist, counsellor, coach and author of, From Culture Shock to Personal Transformation: Studying Abroad and the Search for Meaning.You can also follow Catherine on Facebook.

Seasonal Inspiration: Reflections on the Changing Seasons, and Observing What They Have to Teach Us.

Seasonal Inspiration is the blog of Juliet Batten. She writes extensively about the seasons, and the importance of celebrating our southern hemisphere festivals at the right time of year, in harmony with indigenous, Celtic, ancient European as well as Christian traditions. Recent blogs include Looking for the light and Resonating with the dark.

Psychosynthesis Blog by Wim Verbeek

Psychosynthesis coach, counsellor, therapist and gardener Wim Verbeek lives in the heart of Amsterdam. He blogs fortnightly about psychosynthesis and trauma.

The Deep River Within: Gentle Wisdom for Women in a Hurried World by Abby Seixas

The Deep River Within is the blog of Abby Seixas. She is a psychotherapist, author and speaker specializing in issues of life balance. Her television appearances include NBC’s The Today Show and the Hallmark Channel and her work has been featured in O – The Oprah Magazine, Self, Woman’s Day, Fitness, Body & Soul, and The Boston Globe. Blog topics include, Challenges to being present and Taming expectations.

Equine Facilitated Therapy by Tina Rawlings

Tina is a Psychosynthesis Therapeutic Counsellor in Hertford in England, and provides equine faciltated therapy. She loves the outdoors, wildlife, horses, conservation and she is a local  beekeeper. Tina writes about therapy and equine assisted therapy from a psychosynthesis perspective.

Reflections of a Transpersonal Psychotherapist by Patrick McCurry

Reflections of a Transpersonal Psychotherapist is the blog of London and Eastbourne based therapist Patrick McCurry. He blogs about personal development, relationships and soulful psychotherapy. Recent topics include, Are you a rescuer, persecutor or victim in your relationship? and What are men unconsciously seeking in internet porn?

Live Your Life and Enjoy It by Mariann Marthinussen

Live Your Life and Enjoy It is the blog of psychosynthesis psychotherapist and teacher Mariann Marthinussen. She blogs in Norwegian about topics such as Letting go of the old, Burnout and Heart Power.

Course of Mirrors by Ashen

Ashen is active as poet, writer, therapist, photographer. You can connect with her blog, a Course of Mirrors.

Fibromyalgia and Self Disorders by Dr Ewa Danuta Bialek

Fibromyalgia and Self Disorders is the blog of Dr Ewa Danuta Bialek who is a passionate scientist searching for answers about health and human functioning. After almost 25 years of being involved in medicine, she found a system of psychosynthesis which permitted her to find the deep core of her own health problems derived from early childhood experiences. She is the author of 25 books and 150 scientific articles concerning health and self-education. She also writes poems and fairy tales. Her latest blog is How to express your archetypal energies in life.

Saphira@DPsych by Saphira Bjørnå Wahl

Saphira@DPsych is the blog of Saphira Bjørnå Wahl; she writes, ‘I love psychosynthesis! Simple as that!’ Having completed her Master’s in psychosynthesis psychotherapy focusing on, “An exploration of recovering alcoholics’ lived experience of residential AA 12-step treatment and program in conjunction with psychosynthesis in after care in a group setting”, Saphira’s blog is an attempt to describe the onset of and the ongoing process of studying at a doctoral level, related to psychotherapy.

Holistic Mental Health by Marjorie Gross

Holistic Mental Health is the blog of psychosynthesis practitioner Marjorie Gross. She has been involved in the areas of personal growth, counselling, and coaching for over 30 years as a teacher, student and practitioner. Some of her blogs include, The secrets of surrender, Bring your vision to life and The silence within.

Feel Better Every Day by Eve Menezes Cunningham

Feel Better Every Day is the blog of psychosynthesis practitioner Eve Menezes Cunningham. She writes reviews of workshops, conferences, book launches, movies and blogs about holistic health and well-being. Recent blogs include, Lessons on failure from Rainbow Magnificat and a review of the Bowlby Couples and Attachment Conference.

21st Century Psyche by Chris Payne

21st Century Psyche by Chris Payne reflects his original training in psychosynthesis as well reflections of Jungian analysis and further teachings in Melanie Klein’s object relations and Bowlby’s attachment theory. Recent topics include Reparation or replacement and a post on clinical diagnosis and labels.

Psychosynthesis Blog by Lena Bak

Lena is a psychosynthesis psychotherapist in Copenhagen. Lena blogs about therapy topics from a psychosynthesis and systems perspective.

The Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis by the AAP

The Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis Blog is dedicated to the evolution of wholeness and spiritual integration world-wide. It is the first professional psychosynthesis organization in North America and is open to all who are interested in supporting its evolution. You can watch the 2015 Psychosynthesis Conference videos here and interviews with psychosynthesis practitioners here.

Find Yourself Psychosynthesis Forum by Lars Gimstedt

Find Yourself Psychosynthesis Forum is the blog of Lars Gimstedt. He has been a psychosynthesis therapist and life coach since 1992. Although his blog hasn’t been recently updated, there are some articles on Positive thinking, The life-wheel and Personal versus spiritual development.

Goypaz by Gloria Paz

Goypaz is the Spanish blog of Gloria Paz. She shares a path to Awakening the Soul narrated in articles that challenge the psychological conditioning with the intention of stimulating the search for answers. Recent topics include,  We need and complement each other, Searching for happiness and The ego as a tool for awakening the soul.

Therapy Rocks! by Jodie Gale

Therapy Rocks! I have been blogging for over two years about the gifts of psychosynthesis counselling, psychotherapy and issues pertinent to women’s emotional, psychological and spiritual health and well-being. Recent blogs include, On the body series, Why your therapist should be in therapy, Does psychotherapy work? and How to silence the inner critic by cultivating self-compassion. You can also read a full list of my blogs, guest posts and interviews on my Media page.

Want to start a psychosynthesis blog but not sure where to start?

The benefits of blogging are countless. If you would like to start blogging but are stuck with where to start – check out the two blog challenges I mentioned earlier – they are full of great ideas to take your voice, ideas, practice and Psychosynthesis out into the world.

Jodie Gale national Psychotherapy Day Blog Challenge

Australia Counselling Therapy Works! Blog Challenge

Private Practice ToolBox Blog Challenge

Join my list to be the first to receive news and challenges to build a thriving private practice and to join the upcoming social media for therapists National Psychotherapy Day challenge. 



Picture of Jodie


Sydney Registered Clinical Psychotherapist, Therapeutic Counsellor, Trauma + Eating Disorder Therapist, Jodie Gale, is a leading specialist in women’s emotional, psychological and spiritual health and well-being. Over the last 20+ years, Jodie has helped 100s of women transform their lives. She has a private counselling, life-coaching and psychotherapy practice in Manly, Allambie Heights and Frenchs Forest on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. Jodie is passionate about putting the soul back into therapy!



13 Responses

  1. Good to see your newsletter. Hope all is well with you.
    I am just waiting to fly back to Chns this morning. I was based there for 3 months last year in Shanghai and Beijing working for GSK GlaxoSmithKline. Along with a small team we have trained 450 emplyee’s within GSK to become Job-Plus Coaches. These are all people with a wonderful Will to Service. Pharma gets a bad press however in my experience there are many spiritually orientated people within the organisation. The course is designed using a mixture of ICF Skills, Competencies and Ethics alongside being full informed by a Psychosynthesis Context. We have also integrated a new course as a strategic lever for Leadership. This is ‘Coaching for Effective Leaders’. It is based of expanding Self Awareness and engaging Will. Both Personal and Transpersonal as we engage with the bigger picture of the global system which is GSK. I feel privileged to have been trained in Psychosynthesis. To have been a part of many Psychosynthesis practitioners training and to continue into my 70s delivering such rich material. Both of these training’s were delivered into Australia last year and although I ran the courses in Melbourne we do have some JPC’s in Sydney.
    Following China this week I am going over to Philadelphia and North Carolina to do this training. I will be back in Hong Kong and China again in the summer so maybe get the opportunity to come over and meet with you. Anne Welsh.

    1. It is lovely to hear from you Anne. Yes, please let me know when you are back in Australia – I would love to see you 🙂 The staff at GSK are blessed to have you as their teacher! xxx Jodie

  2. I like very much your initiative Jodi. It brings a lot of work of psychosynthesists in the world. It is an extraordinary occasion to see and find their special gifts which they share with others.
    Much love,

  3. It took me a while to find a place here to leave a comment. I appreciate the inspirational material of the blogs mentioned, though it seems predominantly geared to clients, and I don’t see much of a dialogue, which may or may not be the purpose. To further explore this network I’ve bookmarked your site, Jodie.
    I don’t know if my blog will be of interest. I trained initially with the Psychosynthesis Institute in London, during the 1980s. A few years ago I stepped back from organisations, academia and facilitating workshops and now mainly see supervision clients. Much of my time is devoted to writing, including novels, with a first book to be published later this year. Mine is a reflective blog where I post 2 to 3 times a month and occasionally list influences, R Assagioly, Sufism, science, mythology, the sacred arts. I share thoughts, some personal.

    Always open to unlearn and learn. Ashen ?

    1. Thanks Ashen. Yes, you are correct, this blog is aimed at clients but also professionals who are new to psychosynthesis as well as psychosynthesis practitioners who wish to follow other bloggers. Thanks for adding your blog, I look forward to reading it 🙂

    2. Ashen, your link doesn’t appear to be working? It’s ok, it was missing the e so I edited it to the correct link 🙂

  4. Astrólogo egresado de Casa XI y diseñador gráfico. Formado en Psicosíntesis en el Instituto Conciencia sin Barreras. Consultor y profesor de Astrología. Colaborador de la sección Astrología en la revista Uno Mismo. Autor del e-book Urania y Sofía y de artículos en medios nacionales e internacionales como la Fundación Jung de España, The Journal of Archetypal Studies, Congresos GeA y Medium Coeli. Editor del sitio

    Si bien tengo formación en materias técnicas y diseño gráfico, siempre me interesaron las ciencias humanísticas. La vida me llevó primero al Tarot, luego a la Astrología, lenguajes que estudié primeramente con Liliana Diez, recibiéndome en su centro de estudios en el año 1998. Más tarde estudié en el Centro Astrológico de Buenos Aires y en Casa XI, de donde egresé en el año 2003. Complemento mi formación astrológica con herramientas de consultoría propios del enfoque transpersonal, dado que cualquiera puede experimentar la multidimensionalidad del ser humano. En el Instituto Conciencia sin Barreras estudié Psicosíntesis. En 2011 y 2012 formé parte del grupo de investigación de “La Matriz de los Arquetipos” en Casa XI. He sido orador en diversos congresos tanto nacionales como internacionales, además de colaborar con artículos en varias revistas y sitios web. Algunos de mis trabajos han sido traducidos al portugués, al inglés y al francés.

    Desde el año 2008 enseño Astrología en la ciudad de Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    La experiencia de realizar cartas natales y el trabajo con estudiantes y consultantes, me han hecho profundizar cada vez en el comportamiento humano, llevándome a terrenos como el de la psicología transpersonal, los arquetipos y la espiritualidad. Hoy continúo investigando las significativas articulaciones que pueden darse entre la Astrología, la psicología y la ciencia, como así también integrando los modelos teóricos de Ken Wilber y Roberto Assagioli, entre otros mapeadores de la consciencia. Fundamentalmente enfoco la Astrología desde un lugar transpersonal, humanista y “vibratorio”, aunque no desconozco la mirada tradicional. Mi interés actual es experimentar y compartir la interrelación cuerpo-mente-alma, que es lo que desarrollamos en forma vivencial y grupal mediante los talleres que promovemos desde este sitio web.

    Para mayor información: (54 11) 4254 2990

    1. Thanks Alejandro.
      I have Google translated for my readers. I hope it reflects properly what you have written 🙂
      House XI Astrologer graduate and graphic designer. Trained in Psychosynthesis Institute in Consciousness without barriers . Consultant and Professor of Astrology . Collaborating Astrology section in Self magazine . Author of e -book Urania and Sophia and articles in national and international media as Jung , The Journal of Archetypal Studies , Congresses and Medium Coeli GeA Foundation of Spain . Editor site .

      While they have training in graphic design techniques and materials , always interested me the humanities . Life took me first to the Tarot , then astrology , languages ??I studied first with Liliana Diez, receiving me in their school in 1998 . Later I studied at the Astrology Center of Buenos Aires and in House XI , where I graduated in 2003 . Complement astrological training with my own consulting tools transpersonal approach , given that anyone can experience the multidimensional nature of human beings. The Conscience Institute sin Barreras studied Psychosynthesis . In 2011 and 2012 I was part of the research group ” The Matrix Archetypes ” in House XI. I have been a speaker at various national and international , as well as collaborating with articles in various magazines and websites congresses. Some of my works have been translated into Portuguese, English and French .

      Since 2008 I teach Astrology in the city of Quilmes , Buenos Aires , Argentina .

      The experience of doing natal charts and working with students and consultants have made me ever deeper into human behavior , leading me to land as transpersonal psychology , archetypes and spirituality. Today I continue to research the significant joints that can occur between astrology , psychology and science , as well as integrating theoretical models and Roberto Assagioli Ken Wilber , among other mappers consciousness. Astrology mainly focused from a transpersonal , humanistic and ” vibrating ” , although I am aware of the traditional look . My current interest is to experience and share the mind-soul – body relationship that we develop is shaped by experiential and group workshops that promote from this website.

      For more information: (54 11) 4254 2990

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