Counselling & Psychotherapy for Women Suffering with Trauma, Emotional Eating & Not Feeling Good Enough.

Why invest in therapy?… Because you’re worth it!

Because you're worth it turquoiseFor many of us, it often takes a major life crisis before we drag ourselves kicking and screaming into counselling or psychotherapy!

Unlike cities such as New York, Paris and Buenos Aires where psychotherapy is considered hip, essential to overall well-being and used as a way of developing intelligence – there is a widely held perception that we must be broken, crazy, weak, diseased or sick if we find ourselves in need of a counsellor or psychotherapist.

In addition to the stigma attached with going to see a therapist, a major deterrent is the perceived cost. Overall, we are more inclined to spend money and time in other areas of our lives than we are our psychological health and well-being. But at what cost?

We spend hundreds and thousands of dollars investing in things and experiences in the hope that they will soothe our anxieties, depressions and eradicate our suffering. Unfortunately, they only provide us with a short-term fix, temporary relief, and short-lived happiness. Often our attempts can subsequently lead to other issues such as addictions, unhealthy relationships, health and/or financial problems.

Participating in counselling or psychotherapy works better than medication in most cases and there is a whole heap of evidence emerging to prove their effectiveness. The great thing about engaging in therapy, is that it continues to work for a lifetime because we learn essential life-skills such as emotional intelligence, awareness, mindfulness and self-care.

Good therapy is undoubtedly one of the best long-term investments we will ever make. 

25 long-term benefits of investing in counselling or psychotherapy

  1. Receive support, empathy and compassion from someone who is objective
  2. Heal from early childhood wounding and abuse
  3. Find resolution and freedom from the pervasive underlying causes of problems
  4. Reduce stress, anxiety, depression and other symptoms of distress
  5. Find freedom from self-destructive thoughts and behaviours
  6. Learn how to manage, accept and see the value in a wide range of feelings
  7. Enhance emotional intelligence and build  a strong foundation for healthy relationships
  8. Increase self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-compassion, self-worth and self confidence
  9. Gain a greater sense of clarity, focus and concentration
  10. Have a more conscious relationship with money, food, career or whatever else it is that you may be struggling with
  11. Learn how to build support systems and social skills
  12. Build a toolbox of self-care, coping and life skills
  13. Become more intuitive and unleash creativity
  14. Explore the deeper meaning of dreams and images
  15. Discover value, meaning and purpose in life and out of past suffering
  16. Develop compassion, kindness and gratitude towards self and others
  17. Experience a sense of inner peacefulness and calm
  18. Reconnect with self, others and the environment
  19. Experience self-actualisation and self-realisation
  20. Live a conscious life
  21. Facilitate healthy life long changes
  22. Answer questions such as ‘who am I?’ and ‘where am I?’
  23. Get to know the whole self: body, feelings, mind, sexuality and spirituality
  24. Find a balance between and utilize both feminine (love) and masculine (will) aspects of the psyche
  25. Apply newfound awareness and skills to all areas of life e.g. parenting, relationships, career, politics, creative pursuits and caring for the environment.

Part 2: What stops you from investing in your emotional, psychological and spiritual health and well-being?

This blog is part of my Therapy Rocks! series.



Picture of Jodie


Sydney Registered Clinical Psychotherapist, Therapeutic Counsellor, Trauma + Eating Disorder Therapist, Jodie Gale, is a leading specialist in women’s emotional, psychological and spiritual health and well-being. Over the last 20+ years, Jodie has helped 100s of women transform their lives. She has a private counselling, life-coaching and psychotherapy practice in Manly, Allambie Heights and Frenchs Forest on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. Jodie is passionate about putting the soul back into therapy!



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